Balboa Pier Beach Newport Beach

Balboa Pier Beach Newport Beach

balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

400 E. Ocean Front
Newport Beach, Ca 92661

This beach runs from the Balboa Pier north to Newport Municipal Beach in Newport Beach, Ca.  The Balboa Pier is a popular fishing spot.  In 1980, the first Ruby’s Diner in Orange County was built on the end of the Balboa Pier.  There are other nearby restaurants, hotels, shops, and bike rentals at this end of the beach as well.  The paved walkway goes both directions, north to the end of the peninsula and south to the Newport Beach Pier. There is a pay parking lot and restrooms here.  Peninsula Park and Balboa Fun Zone are both very close to Balboa Pier Beach as well.  

balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

palm trees at sunset balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

seagull balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

restrooms balboa pier beach newport beach city guide

rubys diner balboa pier beach ca newpor beach city guide

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